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New! Synthetic sports field for children and youth
Project description
We had the joy and honor of fulfilling an older ideal, namely the possibility to offer our children the opportunity to spend free time in a pleasant environment, carrying out sports activities. In this sense, we are proud to have as partners the generous fiends from UEFA FUNDATION FOR CHILDREN with whom we signed a project for arranging a synthetic field in the Luncsoara village, Aușeu commune.
At the end of the project, children and young people from our commune will benefit from a synthetic field of the best quality, with night lights and fencing. We also intend to equip the field with locker rooms and a small hall for indoor sports.
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Verein zur Unterstützung bedürftiger Kinder in Rumänien e.V.
Project description
Thanks to the generosity of our friends from Germany, we managed to bring smiles on the faces of our children. They benefited from school furniture and received sweets, clothes and school supplies that they enjoyed and used with greatest pleasure.
Sports for children
Project description
We received with great joy, in 2018, the visit of friends from the Sport For Children association from the Netherlands who came with a truck loaded with sports equipment and materials including mattresses, trampolines, gym benches, soccer and basketballs. After downloading the materials at the schools in Auseu, Luncșoara and Grosi, some of them were redistributed to the school in Butani and the high school in Vadu Crisului.
Schijndel playground paradise
Project description
In the fall of 2018 we had the joy of seeing another dream come true for our youngest children. Then our friends from Schijndel built, with their own physical and material efforts, a playground inside the middle school in Luncsoara. As the name suggests, it has become a childhood paradise.